Gombe Education Service (GES) includes:
Scooby-Doo Daycare and Nursery school, Gombe Junior School, and St. Andrew Kaggwa Gombe High School. It is the policy of the education service to organize an annual brand activity which brings all the schools together under a particular theme. However, annually, GES shall be holding a SCIENCE EXPO.
This year, the education service held a “SCIENCE, MATHS & ART Expo”under the theme:“Science in Skilling Uganda”.
This has been aimed at:
1. Assessing the holistic and continously enriched curriculum offered,
2. Igniting & appreciating learners’ creativity & innovation, and
3. Creating a multi-talented employable workforce.
The science expo has been organised under various sub themes including: waste managment, eco-friendly homes, science innovations, technology/robotics, communication, building engineering, applied mathematics & business and art, putting into consideration the aspect of originality.
The government’s desire to skill Ugandans coupled with our quest to be a center for science and making global impact motivated this year’s theme. We hope that, with such avenues, we shall empower our learners to be ready to solve problems and also build capacity that will later skill others out there.